
6 Essential Products for Teen Athletes During the Summer

Hello friends! As I’ve said recently, summer is upon us! As an athlete, I know that this is a really critical time for training, as it sets up the base for our fall seasons. I don’t talk about this a whole lot on here, but I am a runner! So while summer training is super fun and stressful-free, it also brings some new challenges. To help resolve some of these weather induced challenges, I am recommending 6 products that every teen athlete needs for summer training. The majority of these products work for all sports and athletes, but some are a liiitle more specific.

Nuun Hydration

These are the most delicious sports drink powder/pills that I have ever had. They are disks that you drop into your water to make it flavorful and fizzy. They are great for rehydrating after a workout or practice, especially because you can keep them in your bag and make a sports drink on the go! My favorite flavor is strawberry lemonade; it’s SO good!

Foam roller

Off season means that we are in the grind! It’s always really important to take time for recovery, but especially now. Paying extra attention to your recovery will help reduce your chances of getting injured during the season. One amazing way to speed up recovery and soothe sore muscles is to foam roll! I love these two: foam roller and hand held roller. The larger foam roller is great for getting into really sore and tight places, and the hand held one is awesome for smaller muscles like your calves.

Water bottle

Trust me, I know that this one is super basic, and that you probably already have a water bottle. I included it because hydration is so important and I find it so much easier to drink water when I can carry it with me and when I have a cute water bottle. I love my hydroflask because it keeps drinks cool for an insane amount of time and is easy to carry.

Cooling towel

Honestly, I don’t use my cooling towel that much. I probably should because it’s amazing after a workout. I like to use it while I’m stretching to wipe off sweat and to cool myself down. I love this towel because you can “activate it” by soaking it and snapping it and then pack it to bring to practice.

Gear spray

You smell, like really bad. Maybe not all of the time, but probably after spending two hours exercising in the sun. Your fun odors are then transferred to your gear, like bags and shoes. This spray is amazing. I’ve had it for 3 years and I still have so much left. I spray down my shoes once a week and it gets rid of the odor!


UV rays are harmful! Protect yourself with some sport proof sunscreen. Apply it after you get dresses so it has time to soak in before you get all sweaty and gross. This sunscreen is magical (and inexpensive)! It protects me from burning, while letting me get a wee tan, and doesn’t get oily. After some research, I have found that this may not be the best choice environmentally, but this is the only brand that I can testify for.

These 6 products are absolute lifesavers. I really don’t know if I could get through summer training without them, no joke. These are my 6 essentials— let me know what you need for a summer training session in the comments! Also, let me know if you like this type of post, should I talk about sports more on here? Thanks for reading and happy training!

p.s. all opinions in this post are my own and no products in this post are sponsored. Additionally, all product photos are taken from their respective links; they are not mine.

8 thoughts on “6 Essential Products for Teen Athletes During the Summer”

  1. Foam rollers and water bottles are essentials for me!! 👍I know you mentioned before that you were a runner but, what can of races do you do? ( sorry that was a weird question, I mean like are you a short distance runner or long ?)
    Great post, I related to so many of these items!:)


      1. I’ve dabbled in quite a few sports but mainly track and tennis! Ooh, I also prefer the long distances!when I was younger I used to do the 100 or 200 meter dash but, I don’t think I could do that now 😂


  2. i loved this post Meghan! I’m a runner too and although a water bottle is so basic, I can definitely agree with you that it is essential! Thank you so much for sharing this post! x


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